
Monday, July 11, 2016

GREEN CRUSADERS on the volatile situation in Kashmir.

GREEN CRUSADERS expresses its grave concern at the deteriorating situation in Kashmir. Till now quite a number of people, mostly youth, are reported to have been killed and hundreds injured.

Massive people’s unrest erupted after the encounter death of Burhan Wani and his associates. The brutal force used against protesters by the police and the armed forces that resulted in these unfortunate killings is condemnable. The administration should desist from using such excessive force against the protesters. Those responsible for killing innocent unarmed protesters should be identified and punished.

The present growing unrest is also an expression of people’s alienation, anger against the oppressive policies and killings of unarmed civilians by security forces. While the activities of the extremist groups need to be checked to maintain law and order and civilian rule, it cannot be an excuse for such use of force against stone-hurling protesters. 

The governments concerned would do well to immediately initiate a political process of dialogue with all the political forces and groups concerned to end this growing strife in the state and to restore peace and normalcy.

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